[LEADER/CLLD 2019 Conference] > Speakers > Loris Servillo

Loris Servillo

Associate professor at Politecnico di Torino (IT) and former Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Bartlett School of Planning (UK), he holds a PhD in territorial planning and local development, and has about fifteen years of professional and academic experience first in Italy, Belgium and UK. His scientific interests are about (a) the spatial planning system and multi-level governance process, with a specific focus on changes, rescaling processes and new governance arenas; (b) the role of EU in developing spatial initiatives and territorial instruments, in particular concerning tailored regions with a low degree of urbanisation (e.g. Community Led Local Development programme); and (c) the analysis of territorial and socio-spatial dynamics, and innovative planning initiatives to foster territorial cohesion and spatial justice. In particular, he has been investigating the socio-spatial dynamics in ‘territories that don’t matter’ and the dedicated policy agendas, such as the Italian ‘inner area’ agenda.

Loris Servillo is keynote speaker at the LEADER/CLLD 2019 Conference


This conference will be held from 25 - 26 November in Amarante.