[LEADER/CLLD 2019 Conference] > Speakers > Marion Eckardt

Marion Eckardt

Marion Eckardt is the manager of the Swedish LAG Lokalt Ledd Utveckling Halland, located in the region of Halland. Formerly she directed two rural LAGs (LEADER Landsbygd Halland and LEADER Kustbygd Halland) and a fisheries LAG (Fiskeomrade Halland). She is the representative of Swedish LAGs in ENDR LEADER/CLLD Subgroup and in ELARD (European LEADER Association for Rural Development), where she is currently vice-president. She is graduated in Geography from the Humboldt University of Berlin.

Marion Eckardt participates as a panelist at the 'Looking forward with the feet on the ground – proposals and expectations from local level' Panel


This conference will be held from 25 - 26 November in Amarante.