[LEADER/CLLD 2019 Conference] > Speakers > Robert Lukesch

Robert Lukesch

Robert Lukesch, born 1955 in Vienna, living on a small organic farm in Eastern Styria (Austria), has a professional record in local and regional development, development co-operation, organizational development and strategic management, first and foremost in the public and intermediary sector. From 1989 on he works with the ÖAR GmbH, since 1997 as an associate partner. He is adviser in shaping and evaluating public programmes, particularly European rural development and international cooperation programmes. As expert in the realm of LEADER since 1995, he led and participated in a number of European LEADER and RD evaluations. He is also involved in European civil society initiatives in agriculture and rural development (ARC) as well as in local development (LDnet) and contributes to corresponding European research (SIMRA – Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas).

Robert Lukesch moderated the ELARD Members' workshop and participated as a panelist at the 'Looking forward with the feet on the ground – proposals and expectations from local level' Panel


This conference will be held from 25 - 26 November in Amarante.