Keynote Paper, by Loris Servillo (Researcher and Associate Professor, Politecnico of Torino) & Stefan Kah (Researcher, University of Strathclyde, European Policies Research Centre)
This paper gives an overview of the extent to which the CLLD instrument has been adopted across the EU. It shows the variety of models in different EU Member States and regions, ranging from a simple continuation of the 2007-13 mono-Fund approach to a country-wide use of multiple Funds in all LAGs. It then presents three country cases from Slovenia, Sweden and the Austrian Land Tyrol, before drawing a number of conclusions and making recommendations for the forthcoming 2021-27 programme period.
Monday 25 November |
Tuesday 26 November |
Morning |
LEADER/CLLD 2019 Conference |
08:30 |
Registration |
09:00 |
Opening session Moderation: Pedro Brosei, Advisor to the Portuguese ELARD Presidency
10:00 |
Keynote presentation
10:30 |
Institutional opinions on the future of LEADER/CLLD
11:00 | Coffee-break |
11:30 |
Looking forward with the feet on the ground – proposals and expectations from local level
12:15 |
Panel discussion reacting on the keynote presentation and previous panels and debate with participants
13:00 |
Closing remarks (bilingual)
13:30 |
Light lunch |
Afternoon |
ELARD General Assembly Meeting |
Wednesday 27 November |
This conference will be held from 25 - 26 November in Amarante.