Eleftherios Stavropoulos is Policy Officer at the DG for Regional and Urban Policy of the EC. He works at the Unit responsible for Inclusive growth, urban and territorial development that among other tasks follows all related issues to the deployment and implementation of CLLD co-funded by ERDF. He is responsible for analytical work regarding the challenges and the potential of areas with geographic and demographic specificities such as islands, mountains and sparsely populated areas and he is the coordinator of DG REGIO regarding Territorial Impact Assessments. He has a degree in European and International Affairs from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Athens and an MSc in European Affairs form the London School of Economics. He has a 20 year experience in structural funds management/ planning.
Eleftherios Stavropoulos will be panelist at the Panel discussion reacting on the keynote presentation and previous panels and debate with participants
This conference will be held from 25 - 26 November in Amarante.